Monday, February 04, 2008

Mmmm, Mmmm! Sausage Cake!

I'm not quite sure why this recipe grabbed my attention the way it did. I'm even more unsure as to why I felt the need to make it.

I was curious, sure. Wouldn't you be curious? What would the texture of meat baking within a cake be like, exactly? Would it be chunky? Would it be savoury? Would it be soggy?

I found it quite fun that the first step was to cream the sugars with the raw sausage meat. A pretty standard recipe step, creaming the sugars with the fat source, but it seemed so icky this time. But cream I did.
I used Maple flavoured breakfast sausages from the grocery store - (I didn't really feel like breaking out the Berkshire chorizo for this one, know what I mean?)

With the addition of the flour, coffee, nuts and raisins, the cake batter was looking a lot more palatable. Still, it was a little disconcerting to not be able to thoughtlessly scoop up a spoon of the batter to taste - something about raw pork consumption made me shy away from the taste test.

The end result was astonishingly tasty.
Served with a burnt sugar caramel sauce, this actually became a nice, moist, dense spice cake. No discernable meat texture, although a co-worker of mine swore that it had an after-taste reminiscent of Hot-Rods.